Oct. 28, 2024
Contact: Eric Stann, 573-882-3346, StannE@missouri.edu
Photos courtesy Brandi L. MacDonald, Gregor Bader and Jörg Linstädter
University of Missouri scientist Brandi L. MacDonald is using modern technology only found at Mizzou to help researchers expand the collective understanding of how human thought and intellect has developed over time.
In a recent study, an international team of scientists partnered with MacDonald to access advanced scientific technology at the University of Missouri Research Reactor (MURR), Materials Science and Engineering Institute (MSEI) and Electron Microscopy Core (EMC). Using Mizzou’s resources and expertise, the team, led by MacDonald, was able to confirm the location of the world’s oldest ochre mine and trace how ochre from the mine was dispersed to nearby communities.
Ochre is naturally occurring pigment that comes from iron-rich materials. As one of Earth’s oldest materials, it has been used by people for thousands of years. Known as a pigment for cave paintings, and decoration of symbolic objects and personal ornamentation, it holds cultural, historical and spiritual significance in many societies. Its enduring presence offers scientists valuable insights into the growth of human society and self-expression.