William Miller

Dr William H. Miller is Professor Emeritus in the Nuclear Science and Engineering Institute at the University of Missouri-Columbia, where he has taught graduate nuclear engineering for 39 years.  He is the author of over 125 technical papers and has made over 1000 presentations to the public on issues concerning energy, the environment, radiation and nuclear power.  He is a registered Professional Engineering in the State of Missouri and a Certified Health Physicist.  His Ph.D. was in Nuclear Engineering from the University of Missouri-Columbia.  He is currently a Research Scientist at the Missouri University Research Reactor.

Select Publications:

  • Miller, W. H., W. Meyer and D. Timmons, “Measured Fast- Neutron Penetration Spectra for Water-Comparison with Calculations,” Sci. Engr., 62, 262-269 (1977).
  • Miller, W.H. and W. Meyer, “The Effect of the Azimuthal Angle on Fast-Neutron Concrete Albedos,” Sci. Engr.,  64, 886-889 (1977).
  • Miller, W.H., D. Hollabaugh and W. Meyer, “A First-Order Approximation to Fast Neutron Penetration Spectra for Non-Normally Incident Neutrons on Water Slabs,” Sci.  Engr., 65, 554-557 (1978).
  • Miller, W.H., “MATXUF: On-Line, Real Time Derivative Method Neutron Spectrum Unfolding,” Instr. Meth., 153, 535-541 (July 1978).
  • Miller, W.H., and K. Peterman, “Improved MATXUF: On-Line Uncertainty Calculation and Benjamin Detector Unfolding,” Instr. Meth., 163, 253 (1979).
  • Korsah, J.K., and W.H. Miller, “Improved Stack Gas Monitoring System,” IEEE Trans. on Nuclear Science, NS-27, 5 (October 1980).
  • Miller, W.H., and W. Meyer, “Standardization of Neutron Spectrum Unfolding Codes: Tests Using Idealized Response Functions,” Instr. and Meth., 205, 185 (1983).
  • Miller, W.H., “Design and Implementation of a Simple Nuclear Power Plant Simulator,” Instr. and Meth., 205, 185 (1983).
  • Miller, W.H., J. Sohl, and R.M. Brugger, “Experimental Tests of the Bonner Sphere Spectrometer Using Filtered Neutron Beam,” Instr. and Meth., 206, 219 (1983).
  • Miller, W.H., W.S. Law, and R.M. Brugger, “Evaluation of a Thermal Neutron Driven 14 MeV Neutron Generator,” Instr. and Meth., 216, (October 1983).
  • Korsah, John K., and W.H. Miller, “Derivative Method Unfold­ing of Gamma-Ray Spectra From NE-213 Spectrometer,”  Instr. and Meth., 214, 441 (1983).
  • Fujita, Yoshiaki, T. Ohsawa, R.M. Brugger, D.M. Alger, and  W.H. Miller, “Measurement of the Nuclear Inelastic  Scatter­ing Cross Section of Thorium-232 for 144 keV Silicon-Fil­tered Neutrons,” of Nucl. Sci. and Tech., 20 (12), 983 (1983).
  • Fujita, Y., R.M. Brugger, D.M. Alger, and W.H. Miller, “Measurement of the Relationship Between the Doppler and  Self-Shielding Effects in the Total Cross Section of  Thori­um-232 for 24 KeV Iron-Filtered Neutrons,” of Nucl.  Sci. and Tech., 21 (2), 83-93 (1984).
  • Peck, M., S. McGhee, W. Meyer, W.H. Miller, M.A. Prelas, B. Reed, and C. Wallace, “Design, Construction, and Testing of a Large Bore Superconducting Magnet Test Facility (SMTF) at the University of Missouri – Columbia,” Advances in Cryogen­ic Engineering, 29, 49-55 (1984).
  • Langhorst, S.M., J. Steven Morris, and W.H. Miller, “Inves­tigation of Charcoal Filters Used in Monitoring Airborne Radioactive Iodine,” Health Physics 48-3, 344-347  (1985).
  • Miller, W.H., and R.M. Brugger, “Additional Experimental Tests of the Bonner Sphere Spectrometer,” Nuclear Inst. and  Meth., A236 (2), 333-339 (May 15, 1985).
  • Halley, Alan, and W.H. Miller, “Neutron Streaming Through Gaps in Fusion Reactor Shielding,” Fusion Technology, 10 (3), 424-430 (November 1986).
  • Miller, W.H., “Design and Implementation of a Portable Computerized Axial Tomography System for Field Use,” Instr. & Meth., A-270 (1988).
  • Prelas, M.A., E. Leal-Quiros, J.F. Kunze, T.J. Dolan, F.P. Boody, W.H. Miller, W. Wei, G. Gu, J. Javedani, T. Penning­ton, R. Hane, M. Mosquera, and J. Burnett, “Magnetic Cusp Contours and Measured ECRH Surfaces,” Fusion Technology, 15(2), 1119 (1989).
  • Miller, W.H., “Neutron Spectroscopy in the 1 to 30 keV Energy Range,” Instr. and Meth., A279, 546-554 (1989).
  • Miller, W.H., and K. McCollough, “An Integrated, Pulse Shape Analysis System for Neutron Spectroscopy,” Instr. and Meth., A299, 286-91 (1990).
  • Auman, Laurence E., W.H. Miller, C.C. Graham, C.D. Stretch, T.J. Welty, and L. West, “An Inter-Comparison of Neutron Dosimeters and Detectors for In Containment Dosimetry,” Health Physics Journal, 62, No. 2, 183-5 (February 1992).
  • Miller, W.H., Li-Te Lin, R. M. Brugger, and Walter Meyer, “Detection of PPM Levels of Hydrogen in Solids Using a Modified Notched Neutron Spectrum Technique,” Nuclear Tech­nology, 99 (August 1992).
  • Miller, W.H., A. Kumar, and Walter Meyer, “Techniques for Measuring Low Levels of Hydrogen / Hydrogen Bearing Materials in Solids,” Nondestructive Eval., 10, 4 (1991).
  • Miller, W.H., and P.W. Greschner, “Simple System Upgrades for Outmoded Health Physics Instrumentation,” Health Physics Journal, 66, 1 (January 1994).
  • Miller, W.H., “A Modified Notched Neutron Spectrum Technique for the Surveillance of Hydrogen in Reactor Materials,” Reactor Dosimetry ASTM STP 1228, Harry Farrar IV, E. Parvin Lippincott and John G. Williams, Eds., American Society for Testing and Materials, Philadelphia, PA (1994).
  • Al-Haddad, M.N., C. Lin, W.H. Miller, and R.R. Berliner, “Development and Testing of a Flash Analog-to-Digital Convertor Based System for Pulse Shape Discrimination of Nuclear Radiation Pulses,” IEEE Trans. on Nucl. Sci., 41, 5 (October 1994).
  • Kinsara, A.A., S.K. Loyalka, R.V. Tompson, W.H. Miller, and R.F. Holub, “Deposition Patterns of Molecular Phase Radon Daughters (Po-218) in Lung Bifurcations,” Health Physics, 68, 3 (March 1995).
  • Miller, W.H., P. Jackson, and C. Lin, “Utilization of a GaGe Compuscope 1012 Computer-Based Oscilloscope for Pulse Shape Discrimination and Radiation Spectroscopy,” Instr. and Meth. in Physics Research, A 353 (1994).
  • Saleh, H.H., T.A. Parish, W.H. Miller, H. Oigawa, and S. Raman, “Measurements of the Number of Neutrons Emitted per Fission in a Fast Neutron Spectrum for 235U, 237Np and 243Am,” Nuclear Instr. and Methods in Physics Research B, 103, p. 393-400 (1995).
  • Miller, W.H., J.F. Kunze, S.K. Banerji, Y. C. Li, C. Graham, and D. Stretch, “The Determination of Radioisotope Levels in Municipal Sewage Sludge,” Health Physics, 71(3), 286-289 (September 1996).
  • White, T., and W.H. Miller, “A Triple-Crystal Phoswich Detector Using Digital Pulse Shape Discrimination for Alpha/Beta/Gamma Spectroscopy,” Instr. and Meth., A422, 144-147 (1999).
  • Walters, M.D., W.H. Miller, S.L. Casey, C.C. Graham, “Effective Dose Equivalent from Hot Particle Gamma-Ray Emissions,” Health Physics Journal, 76(5), 564-566 (1999).
  • Wycoff, Wei, S. Pickup, B. Cutter, W.H. Miller, and T.C. Wong, “The Determination of Cell Size in Wood by Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Diffusion Techniques,” Wood & Fiber Sci., 314 (1999).
  • Miller, W.H., M. Popovici, and L. Groza, “Non-Destructive Analysis of Hydrogen in Nuclear Power Plant Materials,” Eighth International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE 8), American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), Baltimore, Maryland (April 2-6, 2000).
  • Suarez, A., M.A. Prelas, T.K. Ghosh, R.V. Tompson, S.K. Loyalka, W.H. Miller and D.S. Viswanath, “Diffusion of Boron into Polycrystalline Diamond Films Using the Electric Field Enhanced Diffusion (EFED) Technique,” Journal of Wide Bandgap Materials, 10(1), 15-28 (July 2002).
  • Childress, N. L. and W. H. Miller, “MCNP Analysis and Optimization of a Triple Crystal Phoswich Detector,” Instr. and Meth., Section A, 490(1-2), 263-270 (Sept 1, 2002).
  • Feng, Z.C., A. Shih and W.H. Miller, “Self-excited Oscillations of Structures by Alpha Particle Emission,” Non-linear Dynamics, 32, 15-32 (2003).
  • Tebbe, P.A., S. Lombardo, W.H. Miller and C. Weisbrook, “A Visual Rankine Cycle Simulation Using LABVIEW,” Computers in Education Journal, XIV(3) (July 2004).
  • Miller, W.H., P. Duval, S.S. Jurisson, J.D. Robertson, J.D. Wall, T.P. Quinn, W.A. Volkert and G.M. Neumeyer, “Radiochemistry at the University of Missouri Columbia –  Joint Venture with Chemistry, Nuclear Engineering, Molecular Biology, Biochemistry, and the Missouri University Research Reactor (MURR),” Journal of Radioanalytical Chemistry, 263(1), 131-136 (January 2005).
  • Miller, W. H. and M. Diaz de Leon, “Utilization of Phoswich Detectors for Simultaneous, Multiple Radiation Detection, Journal of Radioanalytical Chemistry, 264(1), 163-167 (January 2005).
  • Miller, W. H., C. Hartmann-Siantar, D. Fisher, M. A. Descalle, J. Lehmann, W. A. Volkert, M. R. Lewis, T. Hoffman, J. Smith, P. Situ, “Evaluation of absorbed fractions in a mouse model for 90Y, 188Re, 166Ho, 149Pm, 177Lu and 64Cu radioisotopes,” Cancer, Biotherapy and Radiopharmaceuticals, 18(4) (August 2005).
  • Bryan, J.N., F. Jia, H. Mohsin, G., W.H. Miller, C.J. Andersonf,g, C.J. Henry, and M.R. Lewis,“Comparative uptakes and biodistributions of internalizing versus noninternalizing copper-64 radioimmunoconjugates in cell and animal models of colon cancer,” Nuclear Medicine and Biology32(8), 851-858 (November 2005).
  • Essman, S.C., M.R. Lewis, W.H. Miller, “Intraorgan Biodistribution and Dosimetry of 153Sm-Ethylenediaminetetramethylene Phosphonate in Juvenile Rabbit Tibia: Implications for Targeted Radiotherapy of Osteosarcoma,” Nucl Med, 46(12), 2076–2082 (December 2005).
  • Miller, W.H., A. Kline and B. Hanson, “Dosimetry Modeling for Predicting Radiolytic Production at the Spent Fuel – Water Interface,” International High-Level Radioactive Waste Management Conference, Las Vegas, Nevada (April 30 – May 4, 2006).
  • Kim, J., J.W. Eerkens, W.H. Miller, “Isotope Separation Using Condensation Repression of the Laser Excited Gaseous CHCl3 Molecules Colliding with a Cold Wall,” Nuclear Science and Engineering, 156219-228 (June 2007).
  • Jonassen, D.H., M.M. Schmidt, M.A. Easter, R.M. Marra, and W.H. Miller, “Designing an Activity-Based Curriculum for Radiation Protection Personnel,” Proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Education Annual Exposition and Conference, Honolulu, HI (June 2007).
  • Miller, W.H., D.H. Jonassen, R. Marra, M.M. Schmidt, M.A. Easter, I.G. Ionas, G M. Neumeyer, R.L. Etter, B. Meffert, C.C. Graham,  “Radiation Protection Technician Two-Year Associates of Applied Science Curriculum for National Implementation, Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering – ICONE16, Orlando, FL (May 11 – 15, 2008).
  • Said, D.F., C.T. Winkelmann, W.H. Miller, W.A. Volkert, T.J. Hoffman, “TLD Assessment of Mouse Dosimetry During MicroCT Imaging,” Medical Physics, 35(9), 3866-74 (September 2008).
  • Schmidt, M., M. Easter, D. Jonassen, W.H. Miller, and G. Ionas, “Learning through Practice: Transforming Radiation Protection Vocational Education,” Journal of Vocational Education & Training, 60(4), 423-439 (December 2008).
  • Jonassen, D., M.A. Schmidt, M. Easter, W.H. Miller, “’Technical College Program in Radiation Protection,” American Society for Engineering Education Annual Exposition and Conference, Pittsburgh, PA (June 2008).
  • Bryan, Jeffrey N., F. Ja, H. Mohsin, G Sivaguru, C.J. Anderson, W.H. Miller, C.J. Henry and M. R. Lewis, “Monoclonal Antibodies for Copper-64 PET Dosimetry and Radioimmunotherapy,” Cancer Biology & Therapy11:12, 1001-1007 (June 15, 2011).
  • Balkin, Ethan R., Jia, F., Miller, WH and Lewis, MR, In Vitro Evaluation of Targeted Antisense 177Lu Radiotherapy, Anticancer Research, 31: 3143-3150 (2011).
  • Mohsin, Huma; F. Jia, J. Bryan, G. Sivaguru, C. Cutler, A. Ketring, W.H. Miller, J. Simon, K. Frank, L. Theodore, D. Axworthy, S. Jurisson, M. Lewis, “Comparison of Pretargeted and Conventional CC49 Radioimmunotherapy Using 149Pm, 166Ho, and 177Lu,” Bioconjugate Chemistry, 22, 2444−2452 (Nov. 5, 2011).
  • Peters, N.J., J.C. McKibben, K. Kutikkad, W.H. Miller, “Refining the Accuracy of Predicted Physics Parameters at Research Reactors Due to Limitations in the Energy Balance Method Using MCNP and the ENDF Evaluations,” Journal of Nuclear Science and Engineering, 171(3), 210 ((July 2012).
  • Ionas, I. Gelu, M.A. Easter, W.H. Miller, G.M. Neumeyer, V. Taylor, G. Weakley, “The Design, Development, and Deployment of an Online, Portable, Blended Course for the Energy Industry using Open-Source Tools: Technological, Logistic, and Instructional Design Issues,” Extended abstract accepted December 2011, full paper accepted February, 2012; 119th American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference and Exposition, “Spurring Big Ideas in Education,” (June 10-13, 1012San Antonio, Texas).
  • Ionas, I G., M.A. Easter, W.H. Miller, G.M. Neumeyer, “Using Open-Source Tools to Design and Develop the Online Component of a Blended-Learning, Instructor-Lead Course, International Journal of Designs for Learning, 3(1), (2012).
  • Oakes, T.M., S.L. Bellinger, S. Karki, W.H. Miller, T.J. Sobering, P.R. Scott, D.S. McGregor, J.K. Shultis and A.N. Caruso, “An Accurate and Portable Solid State Neutron Rem Meter,” Nuclear Inst. and Methods in Physics Research, A 719, 6-12 (April 2013).
  • Lewis, M.R., W.H. Miller, et. al, “Comparative biodistributions and dosimetry of [177Lu]DOTA-anti-bcl-2-PNA-Tyr3-octreotate and [177Lu]DOTA-Tyr3-octreotate in a mouse model of B-cell lymphoma/leukemia,” Nuclear Medicine and Biology (Accepted October 2013).
  • Balkin, E.R., D. Lui, F. Jia, V.C. Ruthengael, S.M. Shaffer, W.H. Miller, M.R. Lewis, “Comparative biodistributions and dosimetry of [177Lu] DOTA-anti-bcl-2-PNA-Tyr3-octreotate and [177Lu]DOTA-Tyr3-octreotate in a mouse model of B-cell lymphoma/leukemia,” Nuclear Medicine and Biology 41, 36-42 (2014).
  • Thompson, S., B. Ballard, Z. Jiang, E. Revskaya, N. Sisay, W.H. Miller, C.S. Cutler, E. Dadachova, and L.C. Francesconi, “Ho-166 and Y-90 labeled 6D2 monoclonal antibody for targeted radiotherapy of melanoma: comparison with Re-188 radiolabel,” Nuclear Medicine and Biology, 41(3), 276-281 (March 2014).
  • Kim, J.W., B.C. Lee, Y.R. Uhn and W.H. Miller, “Enhancement of mechanical properties and thermal neutron absorption of borated polymer nanocomposites,” Journal of Nuclear Materials (submitted December 2013).
  • Kim, Jaewoo, J.H. Lee, A. Hyejin, J. Lee, S.H. Park, Y.S. Seo, W.H. Miller, “Luminescence properties of LaF3:Ce nanoparticles encapsulated byoleic acid,” Materials Research Bulletin, 57, 110–115 (2014).
  • Kim, Jaewoo, B.C. Lee, Y.R. Uhm, W.H. Miller, “Enhancement of thermal neutron attenuation of nano-B4C, -BN dispersed neutron shielding polymer nanocomposites,” Journal of Nuclear Materials, 463, 48-53 (2014).
  • Hoshor, C.B., T.M.Oakes, E.R.Myers, B.J.Rogers, J.E.Currie, S.M.Young, J.A.Crow, P.R.Scott, W.H.Miller, S.L.Bellinger, T.J.Sobering, R.G.Fronk, J.K.Shultis, D.S.McGregor, A.N.Caruso “A portable and wide energy range semiconductor-based neutron spectrometer,” Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, A803, 68–81 (2015).
  • Casella, A, B. Hanson and W.H. Miller, “The effect of fuel chemistry on UO2 solution,” Journal of Nuclear Materials, 476, 45-55 (2016).
  • Tchouaso, Modeste Tchakoua and W.H. Miller, “Beta Skin Dosimetry using Passivated Planar Silicon Detector,” Applied Radiation and Isotopes, 135, 99-103 (2018).
  • Haffner, R., W.H. Miller, S. Morris, “Verification of I-131 Yields from the Neutron Irradiation of Tellurium,” Applied Radiation and Isotopes, 151, 52-61 (September 2019).