John Gahl

John Gahl is a professor in the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department and an adjunct professor in the Chemical Engineering Department at the University of Missouri. He is also director of the Nuclear Engineering Program and the director of the Material Science Program at the University of Missouri Research Reactor, the largest university-based research reactor in the United States. He is a licensed professional engineer in Missouri.


  • PhD from Texas Tech University
  • MS from Texas Tech University
  • BS from Ohio State University

Technical Focus:

  • Nuclear plasma and beam science
  • Material Science
  • Pulsed power

Select Publications:

  • D. T. Al-Zuhairi, J. M. Gahl, and N. E. Islam, “Compact Dual-Polarized Quad-Ridged UWB Horn Antenna Design for Breast Imaging,” Progress in Electromagnetics Research C, Vol. 72, page. 133–140, (2017)
  • B. R. Nullmeyer, J. W. Kwon, J. M. Gahl, R. J. Dobey Jr., G. Gunn, M. Flagg, and C. Herbold, Analysis and experimental verification of neutron-activated LiF as a stable matrix for tritium beta sources,” Appl. Phys. Lett. 110, 124102 (2017)
  • D. T. Al-Zuhairi, J. M. Gahl, A. Al-Azzawi, and N. E. Islam, “Simulation Design and Testing of a Dielectric Embedded Tapered Slot UWB Antenna for Breast Cancer Detection”, PIERC, Vol. 79, page 1-15, (2017)
  • D. T. Al-Zuhairi, J. M. Gahl, A. Al-Azzawi, and N. E. Islam, “Characterizing Horn Antenna Signals for Breast Cancer Detection” Canadian Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Vol. 41, No.1, Winter (2018)
  • Charles Maitz, David Volgas, James Stannard, John Brockman, John Gahl, Ming Yang, and Shuping Zhang, Demonstration of the Bactericidal Effects of the Boron Neutron Capture Reaction,” Applied Radiation and Isotopes, Vol. 137, page 190-193, (2018)
  • Nada Sami Ahmed, Orchidah Azizi, Arik El-Boher, John Gahl, and Sangho Bok, “Facile Synthesis and Characterization of Reduced Graphene Oxide Produced with Green and Conventional Reductants,” ECS Journal of Solid State Science and Technology, 7(11) M173-M179 (2018)
  • Ahmed M. Abed, Dheyaa T. Al-Zuhairi, Kaydar Quboa, John M. Gahl, Naz E. Islam, “Poles Isolation via ESPRIT for Ultra-Wide Band Breast Cancer Imaging” Progress in Electromagnetics Research C, Vol. 95, 59-73, (2019).
  • Dheyaa T. Al-Zuhairi, Ahmed M. Abed, John M. Gahl, Naz E. Islam, “Phase-Based Window Function and CD-DMAS Beamforming for Microwave Breast Cancer Detection”, IET Microwaves, Antennas & Propagation, resubmitted with minor revisions. (2019)
  • Wilson Cowherd, John Stillman, John Gahl, Leslie Foyto, and ErikWilson, “Transition Core Analysis for HEU to LEU Fuel Conversion at the University of Missouri Research Reactor” Submitted to Nuclear Technology (2019)