John Brockman


  • BS, Truman State University 2001
  • PhD, University of Missouri – Columbia, 2006
  • Postdoctoral Fellowship, University of Missouri Research Reactor 2006-2008

Professional Experience:

  • Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Missouri Research Reactor, 2006-2008
  • Assistant Research Professor, University of Missouri Research Reactor, 2008-2016
  • Associate Research Professor, University of Missouri Research Reactor, 2016 – 2018
  • Associate Chemistry Professor, University of Missouri, 2018 – present


The Brockman group works on problems in diverse fields that benefit from radio-analytical techniques.  Currently, the group is working on problems in pre and post detonation nuclear forensic analysis, trace element epidemiology, and nuclear engineering.

Select Publications:

Full publication list available at:

  • Maitz, C. A.; Brockman, J. D.; Yang, M.; Zhang, S.; Stannard, J.; Volgas, D.; Gahl, J. M., Demonstration of the bactericidal effects of the boron neutron capture reaction. Applied Radiation and Isotopes 2018, 137, 190-193.
  • Hubley, N. T.; D. L., W.; Weilert, T. M.; Robertson, J. D.; Brockman, J. D., Rapid dissolution of surrogate nuclear debris using ammonium bifluoride fusion and indirect sonication dissolution methods. Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry 2018.
  • Chen, C.; Xun, P.; Tsinovoi, C.; McClure, L. A.; Brockman, J.; MacDonald, L.; Cushman, M.; Cai, J.; Kamendulis, L.; Mackey, J., Urinary cadmium concentration and the risk of ischemic stroke. Neurology 2018, 10.1212/WNL. 0000000000005856.
  • Agarwal, P.; Brockman, J.; Wang, Y.; Schneider, J. A.; Morris, M. C., BRAIN BROMINE LEVELS ASSOCIATED WITH ALZHEIMER’S DISEASE NEUROPATHOLOGY AND CEREBRAL INFARCTS. Alzheimer’s & Dementia: The Journal of the Alzheimer’s Association 2018, 14 (7), P1413-P1414.
  • Carter, L.; Seelig, J.; Brockman, J.; Robertson, J.; Loyalka, S., ICP-MS measurement of silver diffusion coefficient in graphite IG-110 between 1048K and 1284K. Journal of Nuclear Materials 2018, 498, 44-49.
  • Pritchett, N. R.; Burgert, S. L.; Murphy, G. A.; Brockman, J. D.; White, R. E.; Lando, J.; Chepkwony, R.; Topazian, M. D.; Abnet, C. C.; Dawsey, S. M., Cross sectional study of serum selenium concentration and esophageal squamous dysplasia in western Kenya. BMC cancer 2017, 17 (1), 835.
  • Hubley, N. T.; Brockman, J. D.; Robertson, J. D., Evaluation of ammonium bifluoride fusion for rapid dissolution in post-detonation nuclear forensic analysis. Radiochimica Acta 2017, 105 (8), 629-635.
  • Carioni, V.; McElroy, J.; Guthrie, J.; Ngwenyama, R.; Brockman, J., Fast and reliable method for As speciation in urine samples containing low levels of As by LC-ICP-MS: Focus on epidemiological studies. Talanta 2017, 165, 76-83.
  • Brown, J. W.; Brockman, J. D.; Robertson, J. D., Measurement of 239Pu in keratinous materials: A potential non-invasive bioassay for monitoring human exposure. Applied Radiation and Isotopes 2017, 128, 132-135.
  • Morris, M. C.; Brockman, J.; Schneider, J. A.; Wang, Y.; Bennett, D. A.; Tangney, C. C.; van de Rest, O., Association of seafood consumption, brain mercury level, and APOE ε4 status with brain neuropathology in older adults. Jama 2016, 315 (5), 489-497.
  • Hubley, N.; Brown, J. W.; Guthrie, J.; Robertson, J. D.; Brockman, J. D., Development of ammonium bifluoride fusion method for rapid dissolution of trinitite samples and analysis by ICP-MS. Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry 2016, 307 (3), 1777-1780.
  • Brockman, J. D.; Brown, J. W.; Morrell, J. S.; Robertson, J. D., Measurement of Uranium Isotope Ratios in Keratinous Materials: A Noninvasive Bioassay for Special Nuclear Material. Analytical chemistry 2016, 88 (17), 8765-8771.