Charles Maitz

Dr. Maitz is a clinician-scientist, and chief of the radiation oncology service at the University of Missouri Veterinary Health Center.  He also holds a PhD in radiochemistry and has an appointment as a Research Scientist at the MURR.

Research Emphasis:

His research focuses on translational models of high LET radiation, including boron neutron capture therapy and targeted alpha therapy.  He is also developing image analysis and dosimetry processes for the University of Missouri PET Imaging Center, which functions as a core facility to provide PET imaging studies to investigators across the UM System.

Select Publications:

  • Howell K, Matuszak M, Maitz CA, Eisaman SH, Padilla L, Brown SL, Joiner MC, Dominello MM, Burmeister J.  Three Discipline Collaborative Radiation Therapy (3DCRT) special debate: In the future, at least 20% of NIH funding for radiotherapy research should be allocated to non‐oncologic applications.  Journal of Applied Clinical Medical Physics.  2019; 1-7.  DOI: 10.1002/acm2.12729.
  • Fisher DR, Fidel J, Maitz CA. Direct Interstitial Treatment of Solid Tumors Using an Injectable Yttrium-90-Polymer Composite.  Cancer Biotherapy and Radiopharmaceuticals.  Online ahead of print.  DOI: 10.1089/cbr.2019.2947
  • Khan AA, Maitz CA, Cai Q, Hawthorne MF.  BNCT induced immunomodulatory effects contribute to mammary tumor inhibition.  PLoS One.  2019; 14(9): e0222022.  DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone/0222022
  • Girens R, Bukoski A, Price S, Maitz C, Boston S, Borgatti A, Manaugh C, Sprinkle M, Selting K.  Critical evaluation of the body surface area equation in dogs using anatomic parameters or computed tomography.  Journ Vet Int Med.  2019 Mar;33(2):792-799.  DOI: 10.1111/jvim.15440.
  • Maitz CA, Brockman JD, Yang M, Zhang S, Stannard J, Volgas D, Gahl J.  Demonstration of the bactericidal effects of the boron neutron capture reaction.  Applied Radiation and Isotopes.  2018 Jul;137:190-193.  DOI: 10.1016/j.apradiso.2018.04.011.
  • Maitz CA, Kueffer PJ, Khan AA, Brockman JD, Dixson J, Jalisatgi SS, Nigg DW, Everett TA, Hawthorne MF.  Validation and comparison of the therapeutic efficacy of boron neutron capture therapy mediated by boron-rich liposomes in multiple murine tumor models.  Translational Oncology.  2017 Jul 3;10(4):686-692.  DOI: 10.1016/j.tranon/2017.05.003.
  • Maitz CA, Robinson KL.  Radiation Therapy Communication – Use of an Electronic Brachytherapy Surface Applicator to Treat an Epiglottal Fibrosarcoma in a Dog.  Veterinary Radiology and Ultrasound.  Veterinary Radiology and Ultrasound.  2017 Apr 23.  DOI: 10.1111/vru.12503.
  • McGuire A, Maitz CA, Lattimer JC, Flesner BK. What Is Your Diagnosis? Ectopic thyroid tumor in a dog. Journ Amer Vet Med Assoc. Accepted November 2016.
  • Axiak-Bechtel S, Maitz CA, Selting, KA, Bryan, JN (2015)  Preclinical imaging and treatment of cancer: the use of animal models beyond rodents.  Q J Nucl Med Mol Imaging 59:303-316.  Invited Review.
  • Heber EM, Hawthorne MF, Kueffer PJ, Garabalino MA, Thorp SI, Pozzi EC, Monti Hughes A, Maitz CA, Jalisatgi SS, Nigg DW, Curotto P, Trivillin VA, Schwint AE (2014) Therapeutic efficacy of boron neutron capture therapy mediated by boron-rich liposomes for oral cancer in the hamster cheek pouch model. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 111, 16077.
  • Kueffer PJ, Maitz CA, Khan AA, Schuster SA, Shlyakhtina NI, Jalisatgi SS, Brockman JD, Nigg DW, Hawthorne MF (2013)  Boron neutron capture therapy demonstrated in mice bearing EMT6 tumors following selective delivery of boron by rationally designed liposomes. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 110(16):6512-6517.  PMCID: PMC3631690